Join us Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.
at 2561 Newburg Road in Palmer Township
Worship at St. Paul's Third
Sundays at 10:00 AM
Lutheran Worship
Our worship service is patterned in the Lutheran tradition, using the Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship as our primary source. We also use contemporary hymns and worship formats on occasion. Lutheran worship focuses on two central themes: God's Word and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. God's Word finds a central place in our worship through the hearing of the Word in Scripture lessons read from the Bible each week, and through the pastor's sermons which are Bible-based, contemporary interpretations of one or more of the appointed Scripture lessons for the day.
Communion Every Sunday and All Festivals
We believe that Christ is truly present in the consecrated elements of bread and wine and that the gifts of the Lord's Supper are forgiveness of sins and eternal life. All baptized Christians who have received First Communion instruction or normally commune in their own church are invited to come forward with us to share the Lord's Supper. Children not yet receiving Holy Communion may come forward to receive a blessing.
Get Involved
Read the first and second lesson from the pulpit during the worship service. Lessons are mailed to the reader the week prior.
Arrive 20 minutes prior to the service. Welcome people and hand out bulletins at the door to the Sanctuary. Collect offering and assist with communion by sending people up the isle or distributing glasses. After the service pick up discarded bulletins and replace hymnals in pew rack.
Warmly welcome people to our church. Arrive 20 minutes before the service. Smile, shake hands and encourage visitors to sign the visitor book.
Altar Care:
Serve God by caring for the altar and preparing it for worship each week. Set up for communion, offering, change hymn numbers and fill all candles. Display the appropriate flowers and keep the sacristy clean and in neat order. Launder the altar lines and prepare for festivals and baptisms. Sign up on a monthly basis. Usually no more than one or two months per year per team. This is an involved ministry but one that is truly a holy calling to care for the worship needs of our congregation. Training is provided and support is always available.
Communion Assistants:
Assist the minister in distribution of the wine and bread. Say "The Body of Christ is given for you" or "The Blood of Christ is shed for you". Bless children who have yet to receive the Holy meal.
Audio Visual Team:
Run the computer for the power point slides shown during worship. Arrive 20 minutes before the service. Set up the computer with the projectors at the beginning of the service and run slides. Shut down computer and return to office following the service.
Bread Making:
Become part of the team that makes and delivers the bread made for our weekly Holy meal - communion. Recipe is provided.
Prayer Partner:
Available on a rotating basis during the time of communion to hear prayer requests and lift them up to God. You will be specially trained to listen and offer up prayer concerns.
All serving positions have additional information to aid in carrying out such work at St. Paul's III. Each ministry position in our church is a vital part of our broader ministry: being a congregational centered in Christ and called to serve in our community, our nation and the world.