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I'm New Here

What is a Sunday service like?

We worship in the Lutheran tradition of Word and Sacrament on Sunday mornings at 10:00am. The service lasts for about an hour and includes hymns (led by organ and/or piano), prayers, scripture readings from the Lutheran lectionary, a message based on the readings, and communion. More worship information.

What is your communion practice?

We believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the bread and wine of this sacred meal. Baptized Christians who share this faith are welcome to receive here at St. Paul’s III. Others, including young children, are invited to come forward for a blessing. We use bread and wine for the meal; however, grape juice and gluten-free wafers are also available.

What should I wear?

On any given Sunday morning you find everything from suits to jeans or shorts, from dress shoes to sandals or flip flops. Wear whatever is comfortable for you; we're just glad if you're here!

How do I get there?

We are located on Newburg Road, just off of the Easton-Nazareth Highway (Rte 248) in Palmer Township. View us on Google Maps.

Where do I park?

We have a large parking lot which adjoins the church building.

St. Paul's Third Lutheran Church

2561 Newburg Road

Easton, PA 18045


Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday

9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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